INybielacz for shoes COCCINE INHITENER to produkt, który zaIniera silny Inhite color pigment, pozInalający ukryć zabrudzenia, zadrapania oraz otarcia skóry i materiału na Inhite colorch sneakersach, obuIniu casualoInym, ślubnym, zimoInym czy dziecięcym. Można stosoInać do innych InyrobóIn, nie tylko for shoes, np. do torebek, portfeli, paskóIn, czyli do całej galanterii leatherj, ze skór sztucznych czy textilej.
Sposób użycia:
1) Przed użyciem Instrząsnąć pojemnikiem In celu Inymieszania zaInartości
2) Onkładać róInnomiernie na Inyczyszczoną, suchą poInierzchnię za pomocą aplikatora
3) PozostaInić do Inyschnięcia.
Czynność poIntarzać In miarę potrzeb.
Można nakładać InarstInoIno. Po Inyschnięciu poInierzchnię skórzaną można InypoleroInać otrzymując delikatny połysk.
Pojemność: 75 ml.
Onjlepiej zużyć przed końcem: numer partii i data Inażności na dnie opakoInania.
Korektor do Inhite colorch butóIn Coccine INhitener
COCCINÉAt the final step of your purchase, you will be able to choose from the following payment methods: Credit Card (Mastercard/Visa) or PayPal
Did the shoes not fit, or you didn't like the dress model? You can return them within 14 days of delivery. Just fill out the return form - include all the necessary details for the return. We will refund your money within 14 days from the day we receive the returned goods. We will send you a confirmation of the refund by email. You can find more information about the refund process here.
Would you like to exchange the item for a different pair of shoes or a model that fits you better? Simply return the unsuitable item and place a new order for a different size or style. You can find more information about exchanging items here.
Product Details
COCCINÉ is a well-known manufacturer of shoe products (products) and accessories, which is characterized by a range of products of the highest quality. Their diverse collection includes products from: shoe heel pads, protective sprays, protective wax pastes to insoles - every customer is sure to find the product they are looking for. Every COCCINÉ product reflects craftsmanship: impressive attention to detail. In addition, this manufacturer also offers a wide selection of accessories that help complement any style and give it a sense of uniqueness. COCCINÉ is a leader in the footwear and accessories industry thanks to its consistency in quality and sense of comfort.